Solid Waste: The Town of Richford provides an onsite compactor truck for disposal of household solid waste at our waste transfer location located at the town warehouse at 13 Town Barn Road, Richford. Waste can only be dropped off during scheduled hours: Wednesdays 3pm – 7pm and Saturdays 8am – 2pm. We will be closed for “Major Holidays” (Christmas, New Years Day and July 4th). Waste is weighed by our attendant and patrons pay a 10 cents per pound disposal fee. This process has served both the town and our residents well for many years. Residents also have the option of contracting with a private hauler to transport their waste to any local transfer station.
Recycling: As many of you know, Tioga County discontinued countywide curbside recycling as of December 31, 2020. Beginning January 2021, the Town of Richford began accepting recycling on Saturdays from 8am – 2pm and Wednesdays from 3pm – 7pm at the garbage truck at 13 Town Barn Road. This is single-stream recycling, no need to sort. We will be accepting the same things you’ve been able to recycle all along, which are listed at Remember that all recycling must be clean and that cardboard must be flattened. We also accept recycling materials as follows: metal recycling is free, other clean recyclables are accepted for 10 cents per pound, but remember that you are no longer being charged on your taxes for recycling. We will continue to update this process as we proceed. Thank you.
E-Waste: The Town of Richford is currently accepting electronic waste from it’s residents and adjoining Tioga County residents during regular operation hours, Wednesdays 3pm – 7pm and Saturdays 8am – 2pm. We will be closed for “Major Holidays” (Christmas, New Years Day and July 4th). Please be aware that this is a limited program and we must adhere to the rules of the contract we have or we will loose the ability to collect e-waste. For a full list of items that we can collect, download the e-waste flyer at